Financial Alphabet Soup is Really Not That Filling

Financial professionals often use certifications on business cards, internet portals, and the like to support their expertise. Whether it is CFP (Certified Financial Planner), CSNA (Certified Special Needs Advisor), or CSP (Certified Succession Planner), the abbreviations suggest a course of study, a test, or a series of tests successfully passed. But is this financial alphabet soup of abbreviations really an indication you have found the right financial professional?
When Wall Street Cold Calls You

You see it in movies — an image of slick stock broker in a basement boiler room in Manhattan, Brooklyn or Staten Island cold calling customers. The pitch is standardized. The broker has a secret stock or IPO just for you (the innocent investor), but the catch is you have to act now because the opportunity won’t last and there is a limit to how much you can buy. The broker gains your trust by making you believe you are getting a special opportunity not available to the masses – that you are a part of an exclusive club of savvy investors. This doesn’t just happen in the movies; just ask all of the victims of Bernie Madoff’s Ponzi scheme. And it still happens today.
Blacklisted By Freddie Mac: How a Short Sale Can Mean a Long Road to Redemption for Real Estate Professionals

Hollywood. Railroads. Mining. You may have thought blacklisting was a forsaken part of America’s past, but if you’re reading this, you may be a victim of this devastating tool. Used by some of the largest and most influential institutions, blacklisting is alive and well, now cloaked in new terms and greater secrecy.
Cyber Crimes: The Nightmare Scenario for Your Business

Your company could sustain huge losses due to the compromise of an employee e-mail account. Seemingly legitimate communications and requests may actually be signs of a fraudster attempting to commit a scam called Business E-Mail Compromise (BEC).
Travis Salisbury

Travis Salisbury is an experienced attorney with eight years of dedicated practice in the field of litigation. He specializes in a variety of legal areas, including motor vehicle law, civil litigation, business litigation, labor and employment litigation, contract disputes, and trust and estates litigation. Mr. Salisbury is licensed to practice law in Virginia and the […]
Barrett Charapp Beaty

Barrett Charapp Beaty graduated from the University of Florida in 2003 with a B.S. in Public Relations and obtained her Juris Doctorate from the Shepard Broad Law Center at Nova Southeastern University in May 2007. In her work with Charapp and Weiss, LLP, she represents motor vehicle dealers in franchise matters, acquisition and sale transactions, […]
Brad D. Weiss

BRAD D. WEISS is a graduate of the George Washington University (B.A. Psychology, minor in Anthropology and Bilogical Sciences, 1978) and George Mason University (J.D., 1982), where he served as an editor on the George Mason University Law Review (and authored “Gulf Offshore Corp vs. Mobil Oil Corp.: Jurisdiction within the Meaning of the Outer […]